471 A Street, Ashland OR  |  (541) 482-9200  


Author: Regina

Organic Gardening Class Series

Session 4:
Transplanting & Purchasing Seedlings,
Watering & Irrigation

March 31, 2023 · Bellview Grange
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM


Learn how to grow and abundant healthy nutrient dense vegetables, fruits and herbs in your garden.  These classes will be valuable whether you grow in ground, raised beds or containers. This will be a series of five or mores classes, two hours each. The cost of each class is $20. Take as many or as few as you like.
In this series of classes we will learn about:
    Growing calendar for the Rogue Valley – planning your garden
    Soil preparation
    Seed starting, transplanting, seedling purchasing
    Composting, cover crops and green manure
    Watering and irrigation

Session 4:  Friday, March 31st
Welcome and Introduction – Short review of previous class
Potting up, Transplanting and Purchasing Seedlings
Demonstration – (postponed previous class due to weather)
        Will also include general tips for transplanting perennials,
          fruit trees and bushes and landscape plants
Watering and Irrigation
Question and Answers


Click here to register:  https://www.eventleaf.com/Attendee/Attendee/EventPage?eId=QKDxq4I17rsV6U5zDX1O8Q%3D%3D


Suggested material to bring to class:
Garden Guide for the Rogue Valley, Year Round & Month by Month. This is a locally published guide created by the Jackson County Master Gardener Association available at:
     Bloomsbury Books
     Northwest Nature Shop
     all locations of the Grange Co-op.

Organic Gardening Class Series





Session 3: Preparing the Soil,
Potting up & Transplanting Seedlings

Tuesday, March 7, 2023, 6:00 – 8:00 pm


Learn how to grow and abundant healthy nutrient dense vegetables, fruits and herbs in your garden.  These classes will be valuable whether you grow in ground, raised beds or containers.

In this series of classes we will learn about:
    Growing calendar for the Rogue Valley – planning your garden
    Soil preparation
    Seed starting, transplanting, seedling purchasing
    Composting, cover crops and green manure
    Watering and irrigation

Session 3: Tuesday, March 7th

Welcome and Introduction – Short review of previous class
Preparing the Soil — Methods of Composting
       Compost pile & tumblers
       Bokashi Fermenting
       Cover Crops & Green Manure
Potting up and Transplanting Seedlings
Question and Answers


Classes will be held off site. For more information and to register, scan the QR Code.
Classes will be taught by Regina Boykins along with local experts as guest teachers.

Suggested material to bring to class:
Garden Guide for the Rogue Valley, Year Round & Month by Month
This is a locally published guide created by the Jackson County Master Gardener Association available at Bloomsbury Books, Northwest Nature Shop, and all locations of the Grange Co-op.

Organic Gardening Class Series

Session 2:  Starting Seeds, Companion Planting

Saturday, February 18, 2023


Learn how to grow and abundant healthy nutrient dense vegetables, fruits and herbs in your garden.  These classes will be valuable whether you grow in ground, raised beds or containers.

In this series of classes we will learn about:
    Growing calendar for the Rogue Valley – planning your garden
    Soil preparation
    Seed starting, transplanting, seedling purchasing
    Composting, cover crops and green manure
    Watering and irrigation

Session 2:  Saturday, February 18thQR Code for Event
    Welcome and Introduction – Short review of previous class
    Starting Seeds Inside
    Companion Planting for a Healthier Garden
    Question and Answers

Suggested material to bring to class:
Garden Guide for the Rogue Valley, Year Round & Month by Month
This is a locally published guide created by the Jackson County Master Gardener Association available at Bloomsbury Books, Northwest Nature Shop, and all locations of the Grange Co-op.

Organic Gardening Class Series

Vegetable Garden Harvest


Would you like to be able to grow nutrient dense, healthy and prolific plants?

Would you like to learn ways to use water more efficiently in your garden?

When to grow what and where?

Would you like to learn ways to build a garden, feed your soil spending very little to no money?

Would you like to meet great people doing great things in a fun environment?


The Benefits of an Acupressure Mat

Have you been considering purchasing an acupressure mat or wondered what an acupressure mat does? These mats offer at-home sessions of acupressure when you need it most. These mats increase blood flow and help release tension. They are non-invasive, this is not acupuncture but it offers similar benefits. Acupressure mats offer a wide arrange of benefits that we will share below. We will also share tips for how to use them and to share a Hugger Mugger acupressure mat that we have in store.

What is an acupressure mat?

The practice of acupressure has been around for some time, only recently have acupressure mats have become popular. These mats are covered in 4,000 plus spikes that put pressure on many different points on your body. You may be more familiar with acupuncture which focuses on a targeted area and it is also an invasive treatment. Thankfully, these acupressure mats are not meant to puncture your skin if used properly. They work in a similar fashion to foam rollers and massage balls as well as other self-myofascial tools. If you have had an acupressure massage, you will have a similar experience using one of these mats. These mats can be used safely at home, anytime you want. Not to mention that using an acupressure mat can enhance your yoga or mediation practice.

Benefits of acupressure mats:

Despite the fact, that there is not a lot of research on the benefits of acupressure mats, many people have shared the benefits they have received from using one of these mats. They have told their health professionals about their experiences, which has led to articles sharing these benefits to encourage others to give this a mat a try for themselves. Acupressure mats have helped users with pain relief, including those suffering from chronic pain. The mat, comes into contact with the pressure points that alleviate the pain. These mats help with anxiety and they also help your body produce endorphins. Users have reported having better sleep and it has even helped those with insomnia. It can help with headaches, migraines, improves circulation and helps lower blood pressure. It can help those suffering from sport injuries, especially runners. This mat can help your digestive system and even help with maintaining weight. These mats are low cost, they are portable and best of all can be used in the comfort of your own home. There are many more reported benefits, but these ones stick out the most when researching the benefits of these mats.

How To Use And Tips For Beginners

When using your acupressure mat, make sure to place it on a flat surface. This can be the floor, on a chair, couch or your bed depending on which area you are targeting that day. For more comfort, especially when starting out, put a blanket or yoga mat underneath your acupressure mat. A great first practice to start with, is to lay down on your back. Gently, ease yourself on to the mat as to avoid poking yourself or causing injury. You will want to position your back evenly on the mat to get the most out of your experience. Fill free to shift around to find the most comfortable position throughout your time on the mat. It is recommended to use these mats for about 20 minutes at a time, you do not want to use it for long periods of time. When using your mat for the first time, have some kind of layer between you and spikes on the mat as you ease into using it. A blanket works great, as well clothing. Eventually you can work up to the point where you can place your bare-skin on the mat, which is highly recommend. It may feel uncomfortable at first but if you stick with it, eventually you will come to enjoy the experience.

Hugger Mugger Mukta Acupressure MatHugger Mugger Mukta Acupressure Mat

If you are thinking about purchasing an acupressure mat for yourself or for someone you love, come by our boutique. We carry Hugger Mugger’s Mukta acupressure mats. This a great mat to start out with. This mat is made out of cotton fabric, with plastic acupressure point buttons and is filled with foam. Come by our store to see it in person.

Why Spirit of Shakti carries Blue Canoe Bras

Blue Canoe Jane's Bra, Jen's Bra
Jane’s Plus Cup, Jane’s Bra, Jen’s Bra
Blue Canoe Adjustable, Yoga & Bralette
Adjustable Bra, Yoga Bra, Bralette

 Finding the right bra that not only fits comfortably but also offers support can be challenging.  Many of the Blue Canoe bras are doctor and chiropractor recommended and well loved by customers. As a bonus, Blue Canoe bras, like all of their other clothing are made from 100% organic cotton and or bamboo.

What Doctors and Chiropractors Recommend

Before buying a new bra, it is important to know what to look for in a fit. According to an article from thedoctorstv.com your bra should lie firmly against the rib cage. A bra should be level front to back across the bodice. Breast augmentations require the same support as natural breasts. Support is very important for breast health especially post surgeries or during and after pregnancy. Avoid underwire when nursing. According to heathline.com, post-surgery you should wear bras that have no wires, do have pockets for removable pads, and are made out of soft fabric. Your bras should be adjustable and have a longer band around the rib cage. These are also great things to look for in a bra for everyday wear.

Blue Canoe Bras

Blue Canoe has championed the concept of breast-healthy, comfortable organic bras. Blue Canoe offers 17 different styles of bras to fit your lifestyle needs, whether yoga, workout, maternity, nursing, sleep, recovery and everyday wear. There is no binding heavy elastic or wires in any of their bras. Whatever stage you are at in life, pre-teen to mature, you can find the perfect Blue Canoe bra.

Blue Canoe Bras at Spirit of Shakti

In store and online, we offer a selection of these bras such as the Adjustable bra, Cami Bra, Yoga Bra, Lattice Back Cami, and the Bralette. If you don’t see the bra you are looking for, we can order it for you. If your are local or visiting Ashland, stop by our boutique at 471 A Street in the Railroad District of Ashland, Oregon and see for yourself the comfort of Blue Canoe bras. You can also purchase Blue Canoe bras on our website

Please also feel free to subscribe to our newsletter on our website as well. Hope you are all having an amazing day.


If you would like to learn more about these bras here is a link to Blue Canoe’s Blog: https://www.bluecanoe.com/blogs/news/bras-are-what-we-do-best.

Spirit of Shakti has eGift Cards available. Send a digital gift card in any amount you choose to your friends, family, or yourself! Make someone smile.

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471 A Street
Ashland, OR 97520
PHONE: (541) 482-9200

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